
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Friends

My lovely friend Toreka, she is nice and she makes me laugh
but she makes me laugh all the time mostly. We have the same favourite colors too which is Green,Yellow,Blue. Me and Toreka
are the same age and we kind of don't the same things because Toreka wants to be a scientist when she grows up and I want to be a engineer and thats why we are not the same. But Toreka plays netball and I have never seen her play but I think she is a good netball player.

My other friend Mubasshira is very kind she makes me laugh but I make her laugh all the time (I think) and she is older then me because she is ten Anyway her favourite colors are Blue,Pink,Purple. Mubbasshira is a very helpful friend because she has books I can read if I get bored and she has refill in her bag if I need to write something down.

Here is my other friend Ala she is kind and her favourite coulor is PURPLE but she also helps me with my writing because she gives me lots of good ideas. She also plays netball and rugby but I think she is a very good rugby player and a very good netball player.
By Seini-Mino

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Immersion Assembly

"Ahhh" as Mr Burt ran in as cracker the cavemen and he said "I am looking for hipslophodons" so he dragged a person to the front and said "yummy oh but I need two" so he grabbed another person and pulled that person to the front.It was funny then he told the two people to go back.

Mr Burt said "Welcome to team one." They had to show us a little clip with dinosaurs. The movie ended and the teachers put up a sign to say dinosaurs still excised.

Mr Burt said "We are studying dino-might in term two so welcome team two." Team two was doing a rap to a little clip It was hilarious how they moved.

Mr Burt said "Give it up for team three ". Team three had a movie showing and at the same time the teachers were going around talking to kids and saying "have you found my bone" it was a bit crazy.

Finally Mr Burt said "Welcome to team four". Team four had to show us a movie but before the movie Mrs Nua came up and said "Hello Point England it would be good if some of you looked at the section in the library 560.

Now we got to watch the movie. The movie was set in the library. The teachers were reading dinosaur books and fell asleep, They went back to prehistoric times it was really interesting and amazing.

Finally it was the E-learning team they sang a song it was funny  they even had dancers , the team two dancers.

It was end of assembly I felt excited and happy because it was cool.
By Seini-Mino